Angie Hauman
Administrative Assistant
Hello, my name is Angie Huaman and I have been employed part time with FUMI for two years now as the administrative assistant. I oversee the mailings of lessons that are sent to prisoners, have volunteers grade the lessons, record the lessons on our database, mail our newsletters, prepare and mail out Easter Cards to prisoners, prepare certificates to students in Ghana twice a year, prepare/oversee all events/fundraisers, and assist board members as needed.
I was born in San Francisco, California and have been a resident all my life in the Bay Area. I graduated from Mercy High School in Burlingame, California and attended Heald Business College in San Francisco back in 1980. I’ve worked for private schools in the bay area and some local parishes as well. I currently work part time for an athletic conference overseeing 25 high schools in athletics. I feel very blessed to be part of the FUMI family and have enriched my faith more in hopes to help those in need presently and spiritually.
Volunteer Training
God Squad volunteers go where inmates live — they walk the tiers, ministering to individuals and groups in cell blocks and dayrooms, as well as chapels. They deal with live situations. It's the real world,